2020 Chamber 4th Quarter Luncheon

Join us for our 4th Quarter Luncheon and help us celebrate Veteran's Day with guest speaker Rear Admiral William Retz.
Rear Admiral William A. Retz, USN(Ret)
Rear Admiral Retz was born in Blauvelt, New York and attended the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque as an NROTC Scholarship student. He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and was commissioned in June 1963. He later earned a Master of Science degree from George Washington University.
Rear Admiral Retz served in numerous at-sea assignments, primarily in cruisers and destroyers including command of a destroyer squadron and the group of surface forces in the middle pacific. Ashore, he spent several assignments in Washington DC. He was intimately involved in the Persian Gulf arena serving as the Deputy for Operations under General Norman Schwarzkopf during the Tanker wars and Operation Praying Mantis just ahead of Desert Storm. Early in his career, Rear Admiral Retz served on the “River Boats” in Vietnam, and was seriously wounded during the Tet Offensive in 1968.
Rear Admiral Retz retired in 1995 after 32+ years of active service as one of the most highly decorated Navy flag officers of his time. His awards include the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (3 gold stars), Bronze Star with combat “V”, Purple Heart, Meritorious service Medal with gold star, Navy Commendation Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Meritorious Unit Citation and various campaign and service awards.
2020 Chamber 4th Quarter Luncheon
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
St. Luke's Hall
427 W. Woodard
Denison, TX
$20 Members
$90 Reserved Table (4)
Contact Information
Rachel Reinert
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